Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Mario Bros. 3

I believe I can fly....they believed Mario could fly too. This is one magical plumber I must say he knows how to do everything except keep the princess safe. This game is the real beginning for Mario I think. The levels are some what the same as they are now and it tries its hardest to be so cool while never really reaching the cool mark. It is an amazing game in its own right and fun to play even if it's not "cool." Back to my original thought on the flying. I never really got the hang of keeping him flying and the awful sound he makes when he spins is a headache! The background and the music are definitely better in this one then in1 or 2. Also it sticks with what Mario does and what he is good at never going to far out of the box while still getting out of the box. With a game like Mario it is hard to change it up and still have people want to buy it just look at my review of Super Mario bros. 2 if you don't believe me. There can only be subtle changes made and I think that since 2 was so crappy they had enough space to make 3 into a good game back to the roots while still being new and different. I still play this game all the time and I always will because this is when I learned that Mario and his friends were here to stay and they are awesome. Selling out is not something I typically condone or approve of but Mario is everywhere if you don't know Mario where have you been??

Bottom line-Out of the 3 games so far this is the best Mario in terms of being inventive and difficult. But the original will always have the biggest spot in my heart because it was the first time I got to meet Mario. Play this game, own this game, while you are at it go out and buy all the Mario games and then come back here and comment telling me which is your favorite of the 3 and why.

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