Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Mario Bros. 2

Mario becomes the Mario we know and love in this game but that is really the only good part of this game. I am not a fan of it at all but I do have to say that the technology is so much better this time around which makes the actual playing of the game a bit easier. I never understood what this game had to do with the first game or any of the others. It is my understanding that it is just a dream but really it plays out as more of a nightmare. The only one I ever played as was Mario and sometimes the Princess. I loved how she umm floated along using her dress. The levels are more difficult in this one and I must admit that I have never to this day been able or willing to play long enough to beat the whole game. The people were so much harder to beat in this one compared to just running and trying to make an impossible jump to the other side of the bridge. As fun as throwing dinosaur eggs is I feel they could have made a better game. If this would have been the first Mario game I think Mario would have crashed and burned never heard of again. So let's just hide this one on a shelf and play a different Mario. 

If this had not been a Mario game it may have been better I really think I would have liked it more that way. Because this one just doesn't fit in with the theme, look, and feel of the others. But I say again thank you for giving us the new look of Mario that the first game lacked. There are more to video games then just the games you have to have characters that people either love or love to hate in order to sell what you need to sell to make a profit. Back then they couldn't just put a trailer on YouTube and hope people buy the games they tested them and sold them and hoped for a winner..this one was not a winner but people ran to buy it because they didn't know yet just how much it sucked. Gotta love life before good advertising, but even the best advertising can fool you even today.

Bottom line-If you want to play Mario play a real Mario game not this crap it should have never been made. Your kids might enjoy it though if they have (God forbid) never played a Mario game before, start them on this one then try the first and see what they have to say.

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