Sunday, February 3, 2013

Video Games

It has long been known that I have a dream to own ever single video game and console that was ever made. Being a collector of sorts I was super happy to find out that my husband was also a video game lover. I don't have to play them all more then once but I just want to have them. I have a whole room set up in my mind that a video game room should look like but also still look like a female lives there and not in the basement of some creepy guy who still lives with his mother. Once I start something I am usually inclined to finish it and that includes beating the video games I love. There is some what of a sadness though after you beat a game because some games you are done with, you will never play them again because you finished your goal.

A blog about all the games we have or have played seemed like the right way to go to always keep those games in my mind and close to my heart. Someone worked very hard to create these pieces of art so I think we should work super hard to never forget them. Sadness comes over me when I think that some people may have never heard of and will never use an Atari or NES. I am going to make sure that my kids understand where their Wii came from..the roots to an amazing video game tree have been laid and it is our job to make sure they are  treasured. My kids will play and respect every single console that we own and find out that it use to be a whole lot harder to play then it is now.

So without further ado I say let's start this party with some NES games and might I add the best NES games ever created. mario is and will always be a legend so let's pay some homage to that amazing plumber and his cast of friends. It seems the Princess may finally be safe from being kidnapped.

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