Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Back and Ready to Review Again

Hey all! Sorry it has been so long but I have been working on another blog for awhile. I promise to get back in the swing of things as we have many more games left that need to be reviewed! Not only are we still collecting NES, SNES, Atari and Sega games, we also have a vast collection of ps2 and Xbox 360 games.

Again sorry for the lack of posting. There should be some new posts on here tonight. For now I want to talk about merchandise. Do you purchase products simply because your favorite characters are on them or do you leave that for the game? I recently got a TMNT lunch pail and I absolutely love it!! I am weird though, so I use it as a purse.

If you can't tell, I have an obsession with turtles not just TMNT. But the Ninja turtles have to be my favorite.

I also got my husband a new case for his phone and he is in love with it. I believe it is one of the best gifts, I have ever given him in his eyes.

Some people see it as wasting money, but I see it as showing off what we love. Do you have favorite characters? Who much money would you be willing to spend on something from your favorite character? Let me know in the comments!!

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