Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt

The first of all the Mario games had to be shared with Duck Hunt. I will start this out by talking about Duck Hunt first so I can save the best for last. Duck Hunt had its appeal because you got to hold this gun shaped controller, point it at the screen, and like magic it would go through your tv set to the game and hit some ducks. The first few times that you play this game it is fun until the birds start flying faster and fly from the screen before you even know what went on. It is definitely better to get use to it and know just how fast those birdies are going to fly. The thing I hate about this game the most is the dog. That dog can make you crazy but as much as  you try to shoot at the dog for making you feel inferior it just can't  be done..believe me..I have tried a million times. Shooting games are not my thing I can't move fast enough my brain works better then my body which doesn't help when there are birds flying by and you have to be quick. But I must say as one of the first shooting games it does what it is suppose to do and works in the way you assume it to. Just ignore the dog and you are golden.

Super Mario bros. though now that half of the game I am obsessed with for sure! Ever since the first time I played it I have been in love. Just the thought of how much that took for them in that time with limited technology really makes everything about both games better. Now this is a quest but a seemingly easy one when you hear others speak of it. In this game Mario is not the Mario that he has evolved to today. His hair is different as well as his outfit and of course his capabilities are way off. Action is packed into this game and it is still difficult in some ways today even. I love the feeling of accomplishment that you get when you beat a level or get past a certain spot in the game that you couldn't get past before. The sounds are so much fun as well  they are not normal ones but awesome ones that almost remind you of a comic book in some ways. This is one of my favorite Mario games because it is where it started but not my top pick. That one hadn't even been dreamed of when this one came out.

Bottom line- if you have a NES you need Super Mario Bros. not so much Duck Hunt but hey it comes along for the ride so you might as well shoot some ducks along the way when you aren't shooting fireballs.

1 comment:

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