Sunday, March 12, 2017

I'm back!

It has been a long time, but I'm finally able to get back into this and I plan on going full steam ahead! We own a lot of games so be prepared. Come and join in on the fun.

Tiny Toons Busts Loose SNES

SNES took advantage of the movies, tv shows, and trends going on during their time. They knew how to draw you in and at the time it was all the rage.

The premise of this game is the same as most. Get through the levels with a limited number of lives and fulfill the mission or point of the game.

Let's start with the graphics. For inspiration my husband is playing the game as I type this. I'm actually quite impressed with the look and feel of the game. It has much better quality than a few of the favorites.

As far as game play, it is easy for the most part. It seems like things that should be the easiest, could end up killing you. Every old school game seems more difficult now than it was when we were kids.

As far as older games go, if you want a challenge, try this one. It may seem childish, but don't they all?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Need a better display method.

When it comes to systems, I think that the more you have the happier you will be. I would like to own them all and all the games but I know that it is not a dream that I can make a reality. We would simply run out of room for everything. Which is another problem of mine. I want to do the systems justice, by displaying them properly and proudly but when you live in an apartment, this is what you end up with...

You can't see all the awesome games or even some of the systems very well. Any one have an better ideas? We don't have much money so a new shelf is not really something that can happen. I know that would fix the problem and make everything look better but we just can't afford it. With this shelf, we can't even fit the Atari and all of those games and our other game systems on here. :( Sad really. 

How many game systems do you own and would you like to own them all? Also if you have an advice on how I can better display everything I am open to any advice I can get!

Back and Ready to Review Again

Hey all! Sorry it has been so long but I have been working on another blog for awhile. I promise to get back in the swing of things as we have many more games left that need to be reviewed! Not only are we still collecting NES, SNES, Atari and Sega games, we also have a vast collection of ps2 and Xbox 360 games.

Again sorry for the lack of posting. There should be some new posts on here tonight. For now I want to talk about merchandise. Do you purchase products simply because your favorite characters are on them or do you leave that for the game? I recently got a TMNT lunch pail and I absolutely love it!! I am weird though, so I use it as a purse.

If you can't tell, I have an obsession with turtles not just TMNT. But the Ninja turtles have to be my favorite.

I also got my husband a new case for his phone and he is in love with it. I believe it is one of the best gifts, I have ever given him in his eyes.

Some people see it as wasting money, but I see it as showing off what we love. Do you have favorite characters? Who much money would you be willing to spend on something from your favorite character? Let me know in the comments!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Mario Bros. 3

I believe I can fly....they believed Mario could fly too. This is one magical plumber I must say he knows how to do everything except keep the princess safe. This game is the real beginning for Mario I think. The levels are some what the same as they are now and it tries its hardest to be so cool while never really reaching the cool mark. It is an amazing game in its own right and fun to play even if it's not "cool." Back to my original thought on the flying. I never really got the hang of keeping him flying and the awful sound he makes when he spins is a headache! The background and the music are definitely better in this one then in1 or 2. Also it sticks with what Mario does and what he is good at never going to far out of the box while still getting out of the box. With a game like Mario it is hard to change it up and still have people want to buy it just look at my review of Super Mario bros. 2 if you don't believe me. There can only be subtle changes made and I think that since 2 was so crappy they had enough space to make 3 into a good game back to the roots while still being new and different. I still play this game all the time and I always will because this is when I learned that Mario and his friends were here to stay and they are awesome. Selling out is not something I typically condone or approve of but Mario is everywhere if you don't know Mario where have you been??

Bottom line-Out of the 3 games so far this is the best Mario in terms of being inventive and difficult. But the original will always have the biggest spot in my heart because it was the first time I got to meet Mario. Play this game, own this game, while you are at it go out and buy all the Mario games and then come back here and comment telling me which is your favorite of the 3 and why.

Super Mario Bros. 2

Mario becomes the Mario we know and love in this game but that is really the only good part of this game. I am not a fan of it at all but I do have to say that the technology is so much better this time around which makes the actual playing of the game a bit easier. I never understood what this game had to do with the first game or any of the others. It is my understanding that it is just a dream but really it plays out as more of a nightmare. The only one I ever played as was Mario and sometimes the Princess. I loved how she umm floated along using her dress. The levels are more difficult in this one and I must admit that I have never to this day been able or willing to play long enough to beat the whole game. The people were so much harder to beat in this one compared to just running and trying to make an impossible jump to the other side of the bridge. As fun as throwing dinosaur eggs is I feel they could have made a better game. If this would have been the first Mario game I think Mario would have crashed and burned never heard of again. So let's just hide this one on a shelf and play a different Mario. 

If this had not been a Mario game it may have been better I really think I would have liked it more that way. Because this one just doesn't fit in with the theme, look, and feel of the others. But I say again thank you for giving us the new look of Mario that the first game lacked. There are more to video games then just the games you have to have characters that people either love or love to hate in order to sell what you need to sell to make a profit. Back then they couldn't just put a trailer on YouTube and hope people buy the games they tested them and sold them and hoped for a winner..this one was not a winner but people ran to buy it because they didn't know yet just how much it sucked. Gotta love life before good advertising, but even the best advertising can fool you even today.

Bottom line-If you want to play Mario play a real Mario game not this crap it should have never been made. Your kids might enjoy it though if they have (God forbid) never played a Mario game before, start them on this one then try the first and see what they have to say.

Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt

The first of all the Mario games had to be shared with Duck Hunt. I will start this out by talking about Duck Hunt first so I can save the best for last. Duck Hunt had its appeal because you got to hold this gun shaped controller, point it at the screen, and like magic it would go through your tv set to the game and hit some ducks. The first few times that you play this game it is fun until the birds start flying faster and fly from the screen before you even know what went on. It is definitely better to get use to it and know just how fast those birdies are going to fly. The thing I hate about this game the most is the dog. That dog can make you crazy but as much as  you try to shoot at the dog for making you feel inferior it just can't  be done..believe me..I have tried a million times. Shooting games are not my thing I can't move fast enough my brain works better then my body which doesn't help when there are birds flying by and you have to be quick. But I must say as one of the first shooting games it does what it is suppose to do and works in the way you assume it to. Just ignore the dog and you are golden.

Super Mario bros. though now that half of the game I am obsessed with for sure! Ever since the first time I played it I have been in love. Just the thought of how much that took for them in that time with limited technology really makes everything about both games better. Now this is a quest but a seemingly easy one when you hear others speak of it. In this game Mario is not the Mario that he has evolved to today. His hair is different as well as his outfit and of course his capabilities are way off. Action is packed into this game and it is still difficult in some ways today even. I love the feeling of accomplishment that you get when you beat a level or get past a certain spot in the game that you couldn't get past before. The sounds are so much fun as well  they are not normal ones but awesome ones that almost remind you of a comic book in some ways. This is one of my favorite Mario games because it is where it started but not my top pick. That one hadn't even been dreamed of when this one came out.

Bottom line- if you have a NES you need Super Mario Bros. not so much Duck Hunt but hey it comes along for the ride so you might as well shoot some ducks along the way when you aren't shooting fireballs.